In STREAMS, TIAG will upscale the Li-recovery from black mass at its industrial facilities using sustainable hydrometallurgy with mixtures of citric and sulphuric acid (Work Package 3).
Meet the faces behind the project

Katharina Kirchheimer is Project Manager at TIAG’s R&D Department, with special focus on pyro- and hydrometallurgy as well as recycling of critical raw materials, working closely with all related disciplines to ensure a smooth workflow through the project. In STREAMS, Treibacher will investigate the temperature sensitivity of black mass from end-of-life lithium-ion-batteries.
The focus is on the influence of the final heat treatment of the black mass on the recovery rate of lithium. Optimization of each process step will be performed to achieve maximum yield, better product quality and minimum consumption of chemicals to ensure sustainable hydrometallurgy.
About TIAG
TIAG is a well-established international company with over 100 years’ experience in chemistry and metallurgy. At its headquarter in Althofen, Austria, Treibacher develops and manufactures ferroalloys for the steel and foundry industries, powders for the carbide industry, materials for high performance ceramics and fine chemicals and special alloys.