In a momentous occasion on March 25, 2024, the pioneering efforts of STREAMS gained widespread attention on national television as the Austrian national public broadcaster ORF showcased the state-of-the-art battery laboratory situated at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). Through exclusive interviews with Damian Cupid, Senior Scientist Group Lead and Project Coordinator of STREAMS, and Marcus Jahn, Head of Competence Unit Battery Technologies, viewers gained insight into the project’s innovative approaches and potential impact.
STREAMS focuses on developing flexible and scalable technologies, aiming to strengthen Europe’s battery supply chain and reduce reliance on imported resources. Moreover, the project is committed to promoting circular economy principles within the battery industry, thereby contributing to a greener and more resilient future.
The recognition of the STREAMS project on national television underscores the growing importance of sustainable battery technologies in shaping Europe’s strategic autonomy and global competitiveness.
As the project continues to make significant strides, its inclusion in mainstream media highlights its pivotal role in addressing pressing challenges and driving innovation within the battery industry.
This acknowledgment of STREAMS’ endeavors on a national platform reaffirms the project’s significance. It also reflects broader recognition of the urgent need to transition towards more sustainable energy solutions. With its spotlight on national television, STREAMS emerges as a beacon of hope in the quest for a cleaner, more sustainable future.